If the Christmas period hasn’t been busy enough, try throwing a container from India into the mix – which arrived the day before New Years Eve… It was expected to arrive mid December, which would have been much easier, but for added challenge, it turned up on the doorstep of our warehouse on the 30th December 2013. It’s usually all hands on deck in the stores at this time of year, so we had to improvise and call in a few extra hands to help out!

As usual, we’ve got some amazing pieces. One of the old chests in particular (the MOST amazing, beautiful and not to mention the HEAVIEST – it stays parked on 2 trolleys!) must have been a safe from an old palace – it’s got so many secret compartments and fits together like a rubix cube. My Dad, being a builder, was fascinated with it for about 2 hours, getting excited and calling Danny over as he found yet another hidden compartment. He couldn’t imagine how they must have built it or put it together – it is so sophisticated in it’s design… a priceless piece really. I hate selling these ones and wish my house was bigger!!!

Most of the pieces have a white/aqua wash colour – turquoise green and aqua is always very popular and has got to be my favourite colour – it’s just so refreshing and adds a colour hit to any interior! This is just a tease of what has just arrived… we will be loading most pieces onto the online store shortly, so keep your eye on our website for prices and dimensions of each piece.